“I want to get that bastard, August. At his next party, if possible. I don’t want to shoot him, either. I want to use the knife.”
They turned the corner, a little too fast, and she glanced in his direction. He wished she wasn’t wearing the sunglasses. He hated not being able to read her better.
“Did something happen? You weren’t this excited about getting him the other night.”
“I don’t really want to get into it, but I found out his history with Aden. And the fact that he’s already had a run in with Argenti. About five years ago. Aden didn’t tell me what he did to attract Jasmine’s attention. Do you think you could find those records?”
“Sure, but why didn’t we know about this before now?”
Darren shrugged. “I’m not privy to every detail of Aden’s past. But considering what I know, I have the feeling Oliver is not going to stop until he’s taken out Aden’s pack.”
“Which means you’re worried he’s going to take out Aden, too.”