“Yeah, you’re right about that. I’ll have to figure something out.”
Nick picked at something beneath his nail. “If Aden doesn’t mind, maybe you could work out with some of the pack. I know I’d be interested in learning some of those moves.” He laughed. “Not that I think I can be quite as aerodynamic as you. But it’d be worth a shot.”
“Oh.” Darren blinked, surprised by the invitation. He wasn’t entirely sure he felt comfortable teaching the pack better moves. He wasn’t a traitor, regardless of what Jasmine told everybody. On the other hand, he had promised again and again that he was on Aden’s side, which included being on the pack’s side. “I doubt Aden would mind. He seems to think that I should be more, you know, involved with the pack now. I guess we could use the ring?”
His acceptance brought the smile back to Nick’s face. “That’s what it’s there for. And hey, I might be able to teach you a thing or two at the same time. Stranger things have happened.”