WebNovelRoad Trip24.44%

Chapter 11

It took several seconds for Oliver to slide his hand across the table. Even then, he just fingered a corner of the closest package. “Thank you,” he said finally. “For the food and the stuff. I’ll find a way to pay you back, I promise. I’ll get a job when I get home and—”

Boyd pushed the tray that much closer. “Just eat. I’ll be far more pissed off if it goes to waste than I would ever be buying it for you.”

The satisfaction that raced through Boyd’s blood when Oliver gave into the request and began to unwrap a sandwich was far more intense than Boyd could give reason to.

* * * *

The seats were already hot enough to cook on when they made their way back to the car, but Boyd wasn’t complaining—desert sun trumped New York snow any day. While Oliver frowned at a cell phone, thumbing through whatever the hell was found there, Boyd pulled out his notebook and began to update check marks.

“So, where to now?” Oliver asked, leaning over to peer at what Boyd was doing.