“No. He’s as he is meant to be, always and forever.”
His next question came as a whisper. “I’s he nice?”
“Who? Ole Biggie?” Ness chuckled. “Of course, unless ye cross him in some fashion.”
While they spoke Keston proceeded to levy a handful of pinches upon himself, hoping to wake from this odd dream, but each one hurt more than the last and he finally gave up. His reality had been replaced with a new one and how was he supposed to deal with it? Send the Loch Ness Monster, who by the way, was much more charming than Keston would have ever imagined and relatively easy on the eyes, back to Kona Woods as if they were best friends having a wee chat like they led Molly to believe? And what did he do after that, miraculously recover from the funk and fear holding him captive and march back into the office, sit at his desk, and go about his days as if none of this transpired? Could he pull it off?
“Why are you here?”
“Why, for you, of course.”