
Chapter 50

Eddie sat up straighter. This was the man who didn’t have sex, this god of attraction. What a fucking shame.

“I’d risk it.” He didn’t mean to speak the words, and he held his breath while he waited to see if Kaeva would react. When Kaeva didn’t, Eddie pantomimed a long sigh of relief and leaned closer. “I would,” he told Kaeva, though his voice wasn’t loud enough even to warrant the word whisper. “It’d be a hell of a way to go.”

He slid to the floor on one knee, wincing at the creak the chair made under him. That sounddidcause a slight tremor in Kaeva’s fingers, as though Kaeva was testing the air currents with his fingertips. It only lasted a second before Kaeva stilled again, though.

What are you doing?

I’m going to touch him,Eddie told the voice in his head.


Eddie shrugged. Why the fuck not?