
Chapter 65

To say the previous evening had been awkward would have been a gross understatement. Instead of being relieved or excited, Kaeva had seemed tenser than he’d been pre-orgasm. Guarded, even. To a stranger Kaeva might have seemed polite but quiet. No newsflash there. Kaeva had done all the things Kaeva usually did. He’d fixed dinner. He’d read (in silence, much to Eddie’s disappointment). He’d stretched and washed dishes. But for all the feigned normality, there’d been a myriad of emotional struggles going on behind Kaeva’s eyes and while Eddie couldn’t claim to bethatmuch more than a common stranger, Eddie had most certainly sensed the tension. More than once Eddie had wanted to grab Kaeva, look Kaeva in the eyes, and growl just talk to me, for fuck’s sake!