
Chapter 92

“I mean, sometimes I wonder what the future is going to bring, and I look around at the other people here on the island and I think, could it be her? Or her? Will it be anyone? There’s so few of us and yet so many of us and I don’t know, Eddie. I just can’t see myself liking any of them. Really liking them in the kind of way where you can put up with their snoring and God only knows what else. But I see the two of you, you and Kaeva, and you look so…righttogether, and it was such a perfect coincidence that you showed up here and that you got to stay with him and be part of his life, right? It gets me thinking that maybe there just might be a chance that I’m actually going to find someone who will look at me the way Kaeva looks at you.”

Eddie tried for amusing: “You mean with that Big Chief Thundercloud glare?”