Chapter 43

The nurses emerged from his room. “You all can go back in,” the head nurse told them. “I don’t want you keeping him awake though. He’s not well and needs his rest.”

“Believe me,” Ben told her, “all we want to do is help him get better. And keep him safe.”

She nodded once and went on her way.

Lennon was propped up into a more-or-less seated position, but he still looked exhausted. “So,” he croaked when they closed the door behind them. “The man I killed.”

Ben could wish that Lennon would stop beating himself up about that but wishes didn’t count for much in his world. “Vitali Polzin, thirty-seven, native of Kirov in Russia. He’s a known agent of Russian intelligence.”

“You got all of that from a fingerprint?” Rada raised an eyebrow and sat down at the end of Lennon’s bed.