Chapter 67

They made it back to the building without incident. Ben had no idea how they accomplished it. He’d protected more than a few people over the years, and he’d never been this tense. Every muscle in his body was coiled, ready to strike. He didn’t have to look far to wonder why. If a protectee got hurt on his watch under normal circumstances, it was bad and he’d failed, but these things happened. If something happened to Lennon, Ben didn’t know if he’d survive.

He cleared the condo before bustling Lennon inside and doubly securing all the windows and doors. “Looks like you got a work from home day.” He headed into the kitchen to make coffee. “Lucky you.”

Lennon set his computer on the dining table. “I’d rather have a work from home day because I’m too unsteady to get out of bed, but whatever.” His body vibrated with tension, but he grinned tightly anyway. “I need to get to the bottom of this.” His slim fingers flew across the keyboard as he frowned at the screen.