“Okay, but we weren’t making a big deal out of the political aspect of the thing. Has that changed?” Lennon raised an eyebrow in challenge. “I’m not saying I want to go hobnobbing with every CEO, venture capitalist, and senator on the Senate Technological Committee there. That would stand out as much as it would if I showed up, said my piece, and went home. I’m saying if we want to keep the Russians in the dark about what we’re planning, we need to make it look like we’re not planning a damn thing.”
“Are we planning anything?” Kaden flung his papers up in the air. “So far we’ve suggested plans and you’ve shot them down. That’s not a plan. That’s a circus.”
“If it’s a circus I’m the ringmaster.” Lennon didn’t hesitate, didn’t even have to think about his retort. Ben tried not to think about Lennon in the ringmaster’s outfit. “Look. You can bow out at any time, Kaden.”