Chapter 17

At least not right now.

“Outstanding.” I wanted to touch him, but I knew he wasn’t comfortable with PDA, so I refrained. Other than squeezing his fingers, making it so fast that no one around us would notice. Sol did, though, and I hoped the lift to his muzzle was pleasure at the action. “Whenever you’re ready, just bring your things down. The spare bedroom is ready for you.”

For just a moment—a flash, really—his body stiffened, but it was gone so fast I may have imagined it. Thinking he was uncomfortable with how close I’d leaned in, I put a respectable distance between us again and picked up the pace.

“I will…” He growled, then chuffed a breath. “I will pack now, if that is acceptable?”

“Absolutely.” Doing an internal jig of happiness, I steered us toward the nearest lift. “Do you need help?”

“No,” he said, rather too quickly for my liking, but I respected that and nodded.