Chapter 21

Jack pulled his legs away, shifted in the loveseat, and moved closer. “You know who wants to suck my dick, Mason? Old men that can’t get hard anymore. Guys who are desperate to have an intimate moment even though they’re not able to experience it themselves. That’s it. Nobody else. And you know why?” He waited for Mason to look up in the following silence. “Because if you’ve got a cock, you want to use it. So for fuck’s sake, Mason, use it. Get your money’s worth.”

“I am.”

“You’re not.” Jack sat back hard. “And to be honest, it’s kind of freaking me out.”

“No, I am. I swear. It’s not…” Mason spun his hand as if trying to conjure words from the air. “I feel weird is all. But I’m getting over it.” He almost didn’t say anything else. Until Jack’s sideways, cock-eyed look told him that Jack didn’t believe a word of it. “As a matter of fact, if you can set that movie aside…” He reached for the blanket and began to tug it towards him. “I think I might like to fuck you now.”