Chapter 23

“An old friend,” Mason told him, stepping aside to let Jack follow the hostess through the darkly-panelled room that smelled of candle wax and lemon polish. Four other tables held couples but most of the spaces were as empty as Mason had assumed they would be. The upstairs seating was an unannounced VIP room of sorts. One was usually invited or made special plans to be there.

“Do you need a wine list?”

Mason shook his head at the hostess. “Jack? Would you prefer a red or a white? Or did you have something else in mind?”

Jack shrugged his disinterest. “Whatever goes good with fish. Your carnivorous habit of eating red meat is going to make me fat. I’ll take advantage of the non-mooing variety of sustenance while I can.”

“Bring us a bottle of the Riesling then. A Niagara winery if you have it, please.”

“Well, look at you,” Jack leaned back in the chair and put both hands on the table, grinning widely. “Being all Mr. Fancy.”