Chapter 39

He heard the hard clunks of Jack’s feet descending to the main level and stepped out of the bathroom in enough time to see Jack stoop to grab his shoes.

“Smoke time?”

“I’m going out.”


Jack sat on the bench by the front door and tugged at his still-tied shoelaces. “That’s what I said, isn’t it?”

“But…” Mason stepped closer though for what purpose he couldn’t imagine. “Where?”

Jack shrugged and shoved his foot in the shoe. “Out. I’m taking five.”

“In the bush? Alone?”

Jack looked up and glared, already working his second foot in the other shoe. “I’m not an idiot. I can navigate walking.”

“I’ll come with you—”


“Why? What’s—”

“Damn it, Mason!” Jack balled both fists and gritted his teeth. “I said I’m taking five! I’m using my option to retreat like I fucking told you that I would and that I made you agree to. Is that a problem? Or would you like to renege on that as well?”

Mason shook his head, speechless.