Chapter 40

Mason stepped into the room, his heart suddenly beating like a drum. “Did you lose something?”

Jack’s reply was terse and direct. “I’m leaving.”

“Well, yeah. We both are, right? Tomorr—”

Jack tugged the duffel bag shut. “No. I’m leaving. Not you. Not we. Me. Hitting the showers early. Packing it in. Sayonara. Ciao, baby.”

The pound in Mason’s chest accelerated to the next level. “I don’t understand.”

“You wouldn’t.”

He ignored the insult and watched Jack pick the bag up. “How? Where? The car…”

“I don’t need your car. I’m walking out to the main road and I’m hitch-hiking to the bus station.” Jack stared at Mason, his eyes void. “There’s one in town, I saw it when we were there.”

“But…” Mason shook his head, floundering for words. “Why?”

“Because I say.”

“I wh—” Mason’s tongue clicked uselessly. He huffed out breath. “At least let me drive—”