Chapter 41

Or maybe…he looked pensively at the two bottles of wine in front of him, one gone and the other well on its way…maybe it was just time to stop drinking for the night.11

Tuesday evening, four days later

Mason brushed his fingers over the pocket with the envelope in it. Summer heat made the sidewalk below him almost unbearable. He paused for a moment to miss the lush green of encroaching Algonquin and just as quickly shook his head to dispel the mental image. He still wore his suit, which wasn’t helping with the gathering sweat between his shoulder blades by any means, but the office was always overly-air-conditioned and the auto-start on the car ensured the interior would be blessedly cool whenever he got to it. If he hurried, he’d only have to be out in the sweltering city heat for a few short moments.