Chapter 42

“At the very least I should have insisted he not leave without proper travel arrangements,” Mason said finally. “I hope he made it back all right.”


“I have this.” He handed over the envelope. “You mentioned a tip when we spoke. I didn’t get a chance to give it to him for obvious reasons. I just wanted to make sure he got it.”

“And you didn’t think that getting paid for a night and a day that he didn’t work wasn’t enough of a tip already?”

Mason blinked. He hadn’t really thought of that. But, no. There hadn’t been a single time in his life when Mason could say that he enjoyed himself as much as he had with Jack. Even with the attitude and the breakdown. As much as that did probably make him a first-class moron (How did that go again; something about a walk-all-over-me pathetic weakling?) Mason didn’t care.

“Nah,” he pushed the envelope closer. “He did good.”

“I see.”

“No, I mean it,” Mason insisted. “He’s a good guy.”