Chapter 21

The following morning, after barely any sleep, Nick was happy to see the coffee urns again. It wasn’t the greatest coffee, but it gave him a healthy jolt of caffeine, so it had some value. The meeting with the chancellor was at ten. Then he’d be introduced to the children he’d care for and teach. Nick didn’t have a clue what he’d teach them. Mythology and weapons use? The social cotillion, and seeing Todd, wouldn’t happen until early evening. It was the only thing Nick was able to focus on.

The chancellor arrived shortly before ten, when all the slaves were gathered in the sanctuary dining hall. Nick took the same out-of-the-way corner he’d taken for dinner the previous night. It gave him a good view of the entire room and everyone present. He could easily watch the chancellor without drawing attention to himself. As soon as the crowd cleared and he got his first real look at Chancellor Shaffer, Nick was relieved he’d decided to hang back.