Chapter 22

A few hours later, he was taken to meet the children he’d care for and teach. Happily, Nick discovered he was more of an assistant to people actually trained as teachers. The children were delightful and made him laugh. He was indeed to teach them mythology, history, some religion, things Nick had been well educated in himself and knew inside and out. He loved learning, the research he did for the jobs he and Todd were assigned, and discovering what the world had been like in centuries past.

Todd loved kids, and Nick always had the suspicion that, if one of them were female, they’d have children. Nick had never really seen the allure until now. He sat cross-legged in the middle of the classroom. The kids shoved the desks away and gathered in a circle around him, fascinated by what he told them—mere stories to them, but Nick knew different. Still, it made him feel good and almost forget for a bit how much he missed Todd, to see their faces light up and hear their excited questions.