The breath that Doren sucked in as he bolted upright almost made his head spin. Without another pause he reached for the pen and the pad of paper he always kept beside the bed, regardless of where he was sleeping. He was scratching out lyrics when August walked out of the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” August leaned over Doren to peek at the paper. The smell of rain and fabric softener hit Doren like a soft, fluffy pillow to the face. The sudden desire to slip his arm around August’s waist and pull August on to the bed was almost painful. Instead, Doren lowered his head and licked his lips. “I’m writing. The rain has inspired me.”
“Good,” August chirped. His mood seemed about ninety-nine times better. “I can get some work done.”
It didn’t take long for the words to shift from mind to paper. They never did when they hit Doren like those ones had. Then he just sat back and watched August make phone calls.