WebNovelThe Gift19.19%

Chapter 19

“Oh, and August?” There was a tone of disapproval in Glenda’s voice that made the nerves in August’s spine flare. “Did I dial the wrong room number? This is Doren’s room, isn’t it? Or is it not?”

August’s jaw tightened. He considered asking her what exactly she meant by that, but he didn’t bother. “Yes, this is the right room. And I’ll make sure Doren gets the message. Is there an extension we can call you back on?” There was a click on the other end of the line and August realized he was talking to a dead phone.

He looked at Doren, ready to fill Doren in on how, why, and oh, by the way, what’s with the snarky bitch, and was surprised at the expression he found. Doren looked like he was a million miles away. He paused and waited for Doren to look at him and when Doren did, it was with distraction and unresponsiveness. “Hmm?”

August shook the phone. “That was Glenda, Anton’s secretary. They want to see you in Boardroom Four on level six.”

Doren nodded, lethargic. He rose.