“At least send the band out for one more bow,” the guard pleaded. “Let the people know you’re not coming back. We gotta deal with this after you guys leave.”
Breathing a huff of irritation, Doren shot August a quick glance and motioned with his finger, one more minute. The five of them found the stage again and the crowd roared. Tears spilled. Shouts and flowers and toys were whipped onto the stage as the boys waved.
All Curtis gave them was a single minute, though. Yanking Doren back, they once again moved away. When Doren heard the first, “Oh, shit!” he looked about wildly. From behind, several quick-bodied teenagers stumbled onto the platform and looked around anxiously.
It wasn’t Curtis that called him, but one of the security guards. “Doren, quick! This way.”
They were only fans, Doren thought, no big deal. But a sudden whine in the back of his head and the look that fell over Cooper’s face had him concerned.