* * * *
“Well, aren’t you just beautiful?” He stroked Doren’s face and hair, feeling feverish, his heart skipping.
Anton snapped his head to the side and glared reproachfully at the new arrival. “Yes?”
“I was told to tell you that we have the assistant, sir. He’s in the basement now, awaiting Morana. What are your instructions for the singer?”
The rush of anger that hit Anton’s core was unreasonable and uncontrollable. He rose with a scream and rushed the guard. With his hands around the man’s throat, Anton pinned him against the wall. “Doren,” he said, his patient tone belying his fury. “His name is Doren.”
The guard choked out an apology, perhaps a plea, though it was hard for Anton to tell which with the speech being choked out of him. Whatever it was, it didn’t matter to Anton anyway.