As an afterthought he stopped, stepped back into the room, leaned over the table, and blew out the flickering candle. 16: We Are Family
“Wake up, Doren.”
The voice was as soft and gentle as summer rain but Doren turned his head away from it. Sleep was the only solace. Sleep softened the darkness and quieted the noises his imagination made real. He had felt the vehicle travel, felt it rumble and roll and jostle him to God only knew where, but at the moment it was still and silent. The comfort of sleep had provided him peace and kept him calm.
“Doren,” the voice, again. “You must be strong.”
Such a familiar voice, yet so far away. So quiet, yet so deep inside his mind. Doren searched it out, reached for it, and the spark of familiarity brought a face to him. “Diana,” he mumbled, scrambling to right himself. “Help me. I’m scared.”
“Be still, Doren.” The voice faded and brightened, brightened then faded. “Be still and find your power.”