WebNovelThe Gift90.91%

Chapter 90

“Come on guys,” Curtis said, reaching for the door. “Let’s get in the damn car then.”

* * * *


She stared at the crumpled body on the floor, the gaping wound in Morana’s chest no longer heaving, Morana’s mouth open and eyes fixed. Medea dropped to her knees, red hair falling over her shoulder, and picked up Morana’s lifeless hand. This was the hand that had, on so many occasions, been the one placed against her to repair her body and fix her mind after his hands had been too hard. How many times had he ripped and tore at her, and how many times had Morana been the one who would come to stroke away the pain and murmur soothing songs to the demons that raged inside her? It had been Morana who first told her, no more than a child then, not to scream, to never cry. Morana had been so wise, always so very, very wise. For it had been Medea’s refusal to stay broken that made her interesting. Otherwise, she would have been dead too, like so many others along the way.