“Got a few minutes?” he asked with a smile, after tapping at her open door to get her attention.
“Of course,” she said brightly, looking up from her computer. Her eyes were so warm that it was easy to believe that she hadn’t been purposely ignoring him all week. “What can I do for you?”
He took the seat opposite her, slouching a little to help ease his presence. “I need to pick up Arturo at the airport tonight and get him settled in. I was hoping you’d be able to come with me.”
Gwen leaned forward and flipped open her date book. “I should be able to. Do you just want me to take care of it?”
“Oh, no, you’ve got enough on your plate. I just wanted Arturo to see someone else from the charity. Kind of put the right face on to what we’re doing here.”
“Ah, well, in that case, maybe you should take Colin? He’s already been in touch with Arturo’s PA, and I’ve got a conference call with a vendor that might go over the scheduled time.”