“I’ll just need to avoid Grady as much as humanly possible.”
Resting her cheek against his shoulder, Gwen slid her arm behind his waist to hug him tight. “Please tell me you’ll be my personal assistant for this. Grady tried to assign me Georgia. I don’t think I could take that on top of everything else.”
“Finals week is at the end of the month. After that, I will be your shadow. Just think of me as slave labor.”
“We’ll get through this, the way we always do. Together. Grady James be damned.”
“Right. Together.” He returned her embrace, hugging her close and thanking his lucky stars that at least he had a friend like Gwen. She could have read him the riot act for being so stupid, but like always, she offered him nothing but support. He would do everything in his power to make the next six weeks as painless as possible. Maybe by the time of the play, the mess with Grady would work itself out and he wouldn’t feel so completely idiotic and confused. 6