Chapter 32

Colin lifted his eyes from his glass just in time to catch Grady looking right at him. Just the week before it would have been so easy to fling an insult back at him, something just biting enough to make Grady’s lips pull into a frown. He needed to steer the conversation back to safer territory.

“So, Arturo, you’re going to Australia in a couple of months, right? Have you ever been before?”

“Nope, first time. The location shoot is most of the reason I took the part.”

Grady cocked a brow. “You do realize you’re going to be there in the middle of their winter, right?”

“We’re shooting outside of Sydney. I did my research. It’ll be like spring in Chicago or New York.”

“That sounds so exciting,” Colin said a little wistfully. He’d always wanted to travel to Australia. Every since he was six and he watched Crocodile Dundee