Coming up behind her, Julie put a hand on the small of her back. “Where do you think they went?”
“Back to the barn.” Belle pointed at the tracks following the fence. “They’ll head back to the others.”
“Maybe I should hold you,” suggested Julie. She left little room for argument, slipping her arm around Belle’s waist. The two headed after the horses, the barn getting closer with each step. There was more Belle wanted to say, but she concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. She trembled like a leaf, wondering how Julie managed to stave off the same level of chill.
After what felt like an hour but in reality was little more than twenty minutes, they reached the side of the barn. Belle had never been happier to see it.
“There you two are,” Hector said, strutting in their direction. “Is everything okay? When the horses came back without you I got worried. Are you hurt?” He directed the last part at Belle.
“My pride has taken a fairly big hit.”