Julie grinned. Belle may have held doubts about their relationship, but Julie had a feeling tonight those would be silenced for good.
* * * *
The sky had grown dark and the clock was minutes away from hitting seven when they finally finished up. Julie surveyed their work, pleased with what she saw. Hopefully Belle would like it as well. She gave a few last-minute instructions to Hector, then started up the stairs. They’d come into the house an hour ago and still Belle remained out of sight. Every passing second made Julie feel worse. She’d let down the woman she loved.
Upstairs she found the bedroom door closed. She should have knocked, but entered without warning, startled at the scene she found. Belle lay on the bed curled up in the fetal position sound asleep. She appeared to be clutching something in one hand and her bag sat at the foot of the bed, packed. Julie’s heart broke.
What have I done?