Chapter 29

“Maybe we hang out just because I enjoy your company, Baily, because it’s nice.”

“Well, there’s no point to that, really,” he told Del. “Can I go?” When Del said nothing, Baily did.

“No. Wait.” Then, Del did speak up. “I…I thought you enjoyed being with me, too.”

“I did, but…”


“Never mind.” Baily took another step.

“Fine. I need something else, though.”

I thought he wasn’t going to, but Baily stopped again, right before he would have disappeared at the top of the landing. He took a breath, turned, and came partway back down. “What?”

“The, um, the guesthouse key. Anne is coming by this afternoon. We’re bringing the cats for a visit, like a home check. My wish is they’ll be able to stay, but I don’t want to get my hopes up. It’s late and all, with Christmas just three days off, now. I might need to bug you again for some cleaning products, too.”

“Everything’s in the mud porch closet, vacuum, rags, a mop, Windex and paper towels…”