“Everything okay in here?”
Once Baily entered the den, I rubbed against his legs as an apology, simultaneously hoping my adorableness would prevent a scolding.
“Your Christmas presents aren’t in this closet, Mr. Snoopy Pants.”
Opening doors was a skill I’d developed within a month of arriving Chez Swann, Baily knew.
“They’re certainly not in the box.” He moved in that direction. “The lid’s open, the whole thing upended.” Baily didn’t mention all the items spilling out. “How is it unlocked?”
Del did it!
“Did you figure out how to open this, too?”
Not me.
Baily picked up the box and tried to shut it. “The lock’s broken.”
Del did it. Del did it. My loyalties lay elsewhere.
“Was it always like this?”
“There’s a lot of stuff in here, Ginger.” Baily closed the top. He wasn’t a Mr. Snoopy Pants. “Should I look at it?”
Okay, so maybe he was. He asked me first, though. Since I was the boss, “M’row,” looking up at him from down on the floor, I offered permission.