Chapter 31

Bright and early Christmas Eve, we were up to make breakfast. Baily, after practically skipping down the stairs, checked the advent calendar first thing. “New pajamas,” he read aloud. “I knew it would say that. You know what we should do? After we walk the dogs, let’s go shopping. In fact, forget breakfast.”


“Don’t worry. Not yours, just mine.”

I should say! I was quite relieved when Baily went to the cat food cupboard.

“We should get out of here before Del drops in, though, so I can surprise him tonight.”

So giddy, my Baily, he’d flip flopped like my battery operated fishy fish, because of Katherine’s note, I assumed, as if she’d touched him like an angel. I hoped that meant no more silly talk about leaving me. I would have done anything within my mental and physical capabilities to keep Baily with me. I already had.

“I wonder…”

On the other hand, if you don’t open that can you’re holding within the next ten seconds, it’s gonna be sharp teeth on bare toes, mister!