Chapter 20

I cleared my throat and sent a prim smile his way. “In conclusion, let me say this: given the precarious nature of our relationship with the USSR, and considering man now has the ability to detonate the hydrogen bomb…” The first bomb had been in 1952, just two years before. “We’re in grave danger of poisoning the soil as well as the atmosphere. If this persists, one day, in the not too distant future, mankind will need to look to the stars for our very survival. Many of the planets will not be hospitable.” I thought of worlds that were hostile in the extreme but somehow seemed familiar—which, of course, they couldn’t be. I’d simply been watching too many science fiction movies. I realized I’d been off in Neverland, and I cleared my throat again. “What we learn from the creatures of the deep who have survived through the millennia here on Terra can well insure our survival as a species, both here and in the cold reaches of space. Thank you.”