Chapter 64

I’m going to get you settled in stasis. You and the little one will be safe enough there until you heal. Then I’ll head for the nearest encampment and see about finding some medicine for you

Thank you, my captain. They were both aware Terran medicines weren’t likely to help and might even hasten its demise, but they didn’t have much choice if they wanted the D’ilian’s offspring to survive.

You’re welcome. Ric squeezed the D’ilian’s shoulder, made sure it was comfortable, and headed out on a mission he was certain would be unsuccessful but which he had to attempt anyway.

* * * *

But Ric had been wrong, which he hadn’t minded in the least. He’d managed to slip into a clinic run by American missionaries and had come across some medications that just might work with his chief engineer’s system. Most important of all, he hadn’t been spotted