I learned a list of facts about him:
“I prefer construction men over writers, but you’re still hot.
“I can eat seventeen hot dogs at one time. Don’t challenge me, because I’ll do it. It will blow your mind.
“My favorite book is The Red Ponyby John Steinbeck. A lot of people think it’s dull and lifeless, but I feel it’s absolute genius.
“Mary Poppins is over-rated. I mean, come on…a carpetbag filled with magic.
“I love the Smashing Pumpkins.
“Madonna needs to retire.
“I like to ice fish.
“I’m afraid to drive in the city.
“I voted for Hillary. It’s too bad she didn’t win. What good things the world could have seen with her. Too bad Mr. Pissy Orangehead is in Office.
“There’s nothing worse than whipped cream on ice cream. I loathe it. Who would even think of destroying such a fine substance with a whipped cream?
“My favorite instrument is the cello. It’s something I’ve always wanted to learn how to play, but never seemed to have enough time…or a cello.