Not just to his ears. The horse-creature’s ears swivelled, then its entire head snapped up and cocked to the left, searching. It took a remarkably short time to zero in on his location.
“There’s someone up there,” it reported, one eye still on him. “It’s not human.”
The man’s head followed the horse’s line of sight, but Libs was already moving. He couldn’t be caught before he reported to Jane, and he had the feeling a Ranger would not take kindly to being spied on. He rolled to his feet and sprinted down the catwalk faster than the human eye could see. There was a metal door in front of him, but he didn’t take the time to open it. He lashed out with one foot and the entire thing crumpled. He didn’t even pause as he vaulted over a railing and hit the floor below. He raced towards the lift shaft.
The docking bay door shattered behind him.