“Yes, doors broken in the line of duty are a legitimate excuse, but we don’t even know what we were chasing or why.”
“It certainly helps that this station appears to be a trash heap anyway, so our contribution to the effort may well be overlooked.”
“Well…” Rory followed in the direction of the mysterious figure that had been watching them. “We might as well go, then.”
A few minutes later, an examination of the elevator shaft turned up nothing except a chain that swung slowly back and forth, clanking lightly against the metal siding. Rory peered up into the darkness, but found no sign of their spy. He remounted, and he and Blaise continued sedately towards the nearest settlement, if one could call it that.
“There are five people around a fire near here,” Blaise reported, one ear twitching back and around. “I think two are female, going by size and body shape.”