As the weather worsened, Rainn’s jaw hurt. He realized he’d been clenching his teeth nonstop. He’d made five trips in vans and Jeeps carrying water, food, and blankets to the government school. Returning from his sixth trip, he saw Sam on his moped talking to a guard. Rainn asked the driver to stop the van and stepped out.
“He’s my friend,” Rainn said to the guard. “He’s helping out.” The guard nodded and let them pass.
“I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you to contact me,” Sam said, “but then I remembered. I brought you a local phone.”
Rainn felt a wave of surprise. How thoughtful.
“I have something for you, too, in a way,” Rainn said. He showed Sam the photos of the trashed beach. “I decided I’ll help. But I don’t know how I’ll have the opportunity to insert the thumb drive. Not now with the storm.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps I can install the drive after everyone leaves the grounds.”