Chapter 14

“So, you’re all homosexual then?”

Jamal laughed—a deep, joyful sound. “We prefer the word ‘gay’,” he said, “but that’s right—all gay.”

Carl repressed some of the standard words of derision that moiled automatically inside his head—not only did he not want to give Jamal an excuse to beat him up, but he already liked the big, gentle giant enough to not want to offend him.

“Okay,” he said, “gay then. But are all pirates—gay?” Again, he repressed the words that had come to mind, like ‘deviant’ and ‘perversion’.

Jamal laughed again and shook his head. “We’re just like everyone else: gay, straight, mixed. Some pirate groups—Holdswe call them—are one, some another. Ours just happens to be gay.” He shrugged. “We find it works.”

Carl continued to regard the big man, who stared back at him, a smirk on his face.

“I’m guessing you’ll be wondering about what you saw in the Operations Room.”

Carl didn’t respond, but Jamal took this for assent.