Chapter 18

In his time in the Operations Room he avoided looking at Armand, and had the distinct sense that this was being returned, which gave him mixed feelings again. However, there was one mode of visitation that he could not barricade, and that was his dreams.

Everynight he had at least one dream of Armand. The theme of these dreams was that of loss, frustration, separation—heartache. He was looking for Armand, trying to rescue him, or be rescued by him. On occasion he would awake in the darkness of his room to discover that he was sobbing. He talked about this with Enzo, who had become his instructor and counselor on all topics other than the Operations Room.

He couldn’t really deny everything, since Enzo tested him periodically, would examine the readings, and then point to Carl’s head and say something to the effect of, “Okay, what’s going on in there?”