Chapter 19

“It will be easier now,” Armand said quietly.

The soldier said nothing, made no motion, but his eyes were peaceful. Armand stroked his cheek gently. The man was already withdrawn into a state of acceptance.

“Yes,” Armand said. “It will be easier now.” He turned away, then turned back, frowning. “I’m sorry,” he said, “that I can’t interfere. It’s not possible.”

After this, he got out his field control unit, and walked back toward the center of the incursion field.

And that was it. The image faded.

“Now,” Enzo said. “Tell me? What about that was rape, exactly?”

“Oh!” Carl said, his face heating slightly. “It wasn’t. I’m sorry.” He frowned. “You know, I think the Academy misrepresented that deliberately.”

“Of course they did!” Enzo was suddenly angry. “You think truth is a part of what they do? Don’t you realize they’re all about control? ‘Order and Good Government’—my ass! It’s fascism pure and simple.”