“Um, actually I had my eye on something else, but I have a question first. What is kumara?”
The waitress smiled. “Oh, it’s like what you Americans call a sweet potato. We love them here.”
“Ah! That smoked chicken breast with kumara sounds delicious, then. I’ll have that.” Rusty closed the menu and handed the menu back to her. “Thanks.”
“Would you gentlemen like to order a drink while you wait for your dinner?”
“I’ll have an orange juice,” Nate said. He wanted to keep a clear head for the rest of the evening, rather than a repeat of the fuzzy one he’d woken with that morning after the wine they’d drunk the night before.
“Water for me, please, with maybe a slice of lemon?” Rusty waited for the waitress to leave before continuing. “It’s really nice here. I love the view.”