Damn it. Why did he feel as though he was exorcising memories of the guy all the time? It wasn’t as though Rusty was the first guy he’d dated since Glenn. Actually, he would have been, but they weren’t dating, so he wasn’t.
He heard the sounds of a violin being tuned and turned to see an older woman tucking her instrument under her arm while talking to the manager.
“They have live music here?” Rusty asked. “Kind of romantic.” He sounded impressed.
“Must be a new thing,” Nate said. “I didn’t know about it.” The last thing he wanted was for Rusty to think Nate had arranged to serenade him or some such. Memories of some chick flick Amy had made him watch a few weeks ago replayed in his mind, and he groaned aloud.
“You don’t like music with dinner?” Rusty frowned. “Given how you have your car stereo on all the time, that surprises me. Maybe it’s strings you don’t like.”