Chapter 6

No harm? I wonder if there is such a thing.

I mean, Dad is still here, still living in the green-shingled house on Etruria Street. He’s one reason I wonder about coming back. My mother and her memory offer succor, yes. But Dad? Well, let’s just say he hasn’t ever really come to grips with the whole gay thing. Like, for example, when I called him and told him I was moving home.

“Hey, Dad. How’s things?”

“Oh, you know, could be better. My bursitis is acting up again. Hurts like a son of a bitch. And that damn woman who moved in next door with her cats? They come in my yard and shit all over the place. Swear to God, I’m gonna get out my shotgun one of these days, and—”

I cut him off. I knew from past experience that if I let him, he’d ramble on for an hour or more, cataloging every ache and pain, every perceived slight from the last thirty years. That was Dad for you. Keeping score kept him alive.

“So, Dad? Dad? There’s something I need to tell you.”