Seeing Maisie at my door was disconcerting and almost surreal.
“Are you gonna let her in or what?” Dad said out of the corner of his mouth. “Looks like she’s got a pan for you.”
I hopped from the table and opened the door. Ruth jumped from the couch to see who had come to call.
“Maisie! Hi.” I stepped back to let her in and keep the cold air out.
We stood there, a little awkwardly, for several seconds, while Ruth sniffed at Maisie’s legs and then looked up at her as though to say, “Well, aren’t you going to at least scratch me behind the ears? Say I’m so ugly I’m cute?”
Maisie handed me the Dutch oven so she was free to squat down and give Ruth some love, which Ruth ate up, just like the pork chops and mashed potato scraps she’d had earlier. My father had scolded me for feeding the dog from the table.
Maisie looked up. “You left that at our place, and I thought I should get it back to you.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to come all the way over here. I have two of ‘em, anyway.”