Jack shivers. The night has been one of magic.
Ever since he graduated from law school and moved out here to the Pacific Northwest, his life has been one of single-minded drive and purpose. He makes time for little else beyond his legal career and making a name for himself at the firm. Eighty-hour workweeks are not uncommon. Weekends are filled with briefs—and not the fun kind you pull down to reveal the surprise nestled inside—and lots of research. But he needs to make his mark, he reasons, in spite of the lack of social life, in spite of the lack of that mythical beast the human resource gurus refer to as “work-life balance.” He’s not the only junior associate on staff, and all the others are just as young and hungry as he. He knows that if the time should come when the herd needs to be thinned, the weakest will be the first to go. And he can’t let it be him. Not when he’s come so far, an only child of a poor single mother in a little town clinging to the banks of the Ohio River.