“You do good work. Felicia…Mrs. Campbell…thinks so, too. She concurs that you’ll be a good replacement.”
There, you see?he told himself. It’s all about business.“Thank you, sir. I appreciate your confidence in me. I’ll make sure to notify the temp agency—”
“Do that. Mrs. Campbell would have, but she only discovered the situation on Friday afternoon and notified me over the weekend. You’ll be employed directly by Burke, Burke, and Hammett from now on.”
“And when Mrs. Campbell returns?”
“I’m keeping her position open, of course. She’s been my assistant since before my father…retired, and she’s a gem. However, she isn’t certain if she’ll be returning.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I enjoyed working with her. However, I promise I’ll do my very best for you.”
“I’m sure you will.”
“Oh.” He glanced at the second cup, then gazed up at his boss. “Would you want this coffee? It’s a Cafe Americano with two extra shots of espresso, breva with half and half.”