WebNovelThe Best15.28%

Chapter 11

He refused to admit to the niggling feeling he’d have treated his boss so much better. 4

The seasons zipped past.

Parrish loved the company’s Fourth of July barbecue with its mounds of hamburgers and hot dogs, cole slaw and potato salad, and enough cotton candy to give everyone a sugar high. It was held the Saturday before the actual day so they could recuperate from the festivities. The departments separated into teams for a baseball game, and although Parrish scraped his arms and knees sliding into third and had to go to first aid to get his injuries cleaned up, he hadn’t had such a fun day in, like, forever. Best of all, when the company newsletter came out later in the month, there was a photo of him in it. Practically everyone’s photo was in it, but this made him feel like part of the team. He framed the page and hung it on the wall in his living room.

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