Chapter 52

Just as he’d done as a child when he’d learned to avoid being beaten by a tutor or Tutor Linn’s riding crop, Nick quickly learned what Raleigh and Jah’lar expected of him. Maybe it went along with the type of ability he possessed; Nick had no clue. What he did know was he now and always had been able to determine what pleased people. Todd’s teaching him a game they enjoyed playing just enhanced that skill further.

It all came down to skills. This was what Nick’s life had been reduced to, a set of skills

Give Raleigh what he wanted and Jah’lar delivered to Nick what Nick had come to crave, breathing and being taken to the world of his most precious fantasies. Disappoint Raleigh and Nick suffered Jah’lar’s punishment, horrors dredged up from his past and enhanced in his mind while he choked for air and his lungs begged for relief.